Tooth decay and damage can severely affect your quality of life, making daily activities like eating and speaking pretty challenging. Restorative dentistry procedures can rebuild your smile and help you achieve full oral function. At De Lucs Dental, LLC, we restore missing tooth structures, appearance, and function with our advanced restorative treatments.
Restorative dentistry procedures not only re-establish the form and function of your smile but can significantly enhance your overall quality of life. These treatments can lead to:
A bridge comprises one or more prosthetic teeth attached to two dental crowns on either side. This restoration covers the gap of missing teeth and is supported in place by crowns or implants.
We deliver both partial and complete dentures to address your tooth loss. They can renovate your smile; prevent speaking difficulties, and make chewing more comfortable.
While we try to avoid tooth extraction, sometimes they are necessary. Based on your condition, we perform a simple or surgical extraction. We take all efforts to make your surgery as comfortable as possible and promote a speedy recovery.
Implant Restorations
An implant comprises a metal screw that serves as the tooth's root. It is surgically placed in the jawbone and allowed to graft with the jawbone. After a few months of healing, the dental implant is covered with a tooth-like restoration.
Inlays and onlays replace compromised parts of a tooth that has been damaged by decay. These restorations are adequate for mild damage and conceal either the space between the edges or the cusps of the chewing surface.
Night Guards
Nightguards can protect your smile from irreversible damage. They prevent problems caused by teeth grinding and jaw clenching and provide you a good night’s sleep.
Root Canals
Root canal treatments consist of removing the infected pulp of your tooth, cleaning the canal, and sealing it off to prevent future infection. If your tooth needs additional support, a dental crown may be secured.
TMJ Splints
TMJ disorders distress the joint that connects the jaw and the skull. To help reduce the pain associated with TMJ disorders, we provide TMJ splints. These splints reposition your teeth and jaw for maximum comfort.
If you want to learn more about our restorative dentistry services, visit our office, De Lucs Dental, LLC, at 8630 Fenton Street, Suite 204, Silver Spring, MD 20910. You can also reach Dentist in Silver Spring, MD at 301-587-8081 | 301-587-8082.
8630 Fenton St, Ste 204, Silver Spring, MD 20910